To business owners, entrepreneurs and internet marketers.. Are you segmenting your market in your business? If you aren't, you may be leaving profits on the table.. As you should know, marketing your business in this new age, be it a big corporation or a small to medium enterprise, is a great challenge. Everyone has a method to marketing that they believe will work for them, but in this current age, no one knows for sure if it will work until they try it.
Personally for myself, segmenting my customers email list is one such marketing technique that I believe is very important to any business. The traditional methods of Mass Marketing is truly not working anymore. With increased number of competitors in every niche and industry, obtaining traffic is simply not enough - you must have targeted traffic to your business in order for your business to survive.
This is where Market Segmentation comes in. Here are three great reasons why you should segment your market. Reason 1: Increase Your Business Revenue Market Segmentation allows you to carry out targeted marketing to a targeted customer group. Not everyone who comes into your business nowadays wants the exact same thing you have to offer. People have different preferences and tastes, and along with higher buying power (more people are getting richer), they demand things more catered for them.