who calls himself a big fan of bruce clay, is passionate about seo. With an enthusiastic handshake and the words “I can't wait to get started,” he threw questions at bruce, which the seo guru answered with his trademark poise and just the right amount of humor! company employee list The snippet below contains bruce's seo advice on issues ranging from overcoming compliance restrictions to press releases, voice search, local market confusion, pwas, and more. Dhananjay: how do you rank for such superlative terms? Bruce: you have a compliance issue. Therefore, you may not use the terms "Best insurance company" or.
Best insurance policy" anywhere on your website or ads. We have the same problem in the us with banking and insurance companies where you can't use words like cheap, better, etc. You should check with your compliance team what else you should company employee list not use. If you remember the linear distribution of seo training, you can use the word “best,” but not to describe your company or product. Get the two words "Your business" and "Best" close together without violating compliance. This can be done by saying things like, “many insurance companies claim to be the best, but we don't.
It can be used in schema description, meta title and meta description of the page. Also check with your compliance team whether or not using “taboo” words (best, cheap, top, etc.) in meta titles, meta descriptions, and meta keywords violates compliance. In india, and act accordingly. Dhananjay: bruce: you can, but it's unethical and ill-advised. You cannot use a company employee list person's mark against them. If you do, they may take legal action against you. If you want to legally rank for your competitor's keywords, you can use your competitor's brand names in a review. But you can't sell anything on this page or even try.